Georgina_Castle paint_brush gilt_ceramic

Ceramics and glass conservation and restoration experts since 1997. Applied Conservation specialises in the conservation and restoration of ceramics, porcelain, glass and related materials. Ceramic, porcelain or glass, antique or contemporary objects whether fragmentary or previously restored are returned to excellent condition.

The techniques used are to the highest standards using quality conservation grade materials. Primary importance is given to the conservation of each object. All work carried out is reversible and applied with minimum intervention.

For further information and a free estimate please contact:

Georgina Castle
Applied Conservation
Thame Oxfordshire

Tel : ( 01844) 214153 Mobile: 07972335756
Email enquiries@ceramic-restoration.net

Georgina Castle BA ( Hons ) West Dean BADA
Member of ICON The Institute of Conservation and TVADA

website by Matthew Parry Web Design